Publishing Fund for articles in open access journals

The Leibniz Association's Open Access Publishing Fund supports authors who intend to publish articles in open access journals that impose article processing charges (APCs).

The Fund is being financed by the participating Leibniz Institutions (80 percent) and the Executive Board's strategic fund (20 percent). This subsidy by the strategic fund will end on 31 December 2024.

Scientists of participating institutions can apply online for funding. If an article meets the funding criteria the Open Access Publishing Fund will handle the invoice. The application process is set up to relieve the scientists of as much of the burden as possible.

If your Leibniz institution wishes to take part in the Publishing Fund please contact the team via publikationsfonds(at)

The publication fund is administrated by the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB). TIB staff will be glad to help with all stages involved in submitting and processing applications.

All information on the Fund including the application form is available via the TIB website.