
Full Professorship (W 3) Earth System Dynamics

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Founded in 1991, the University of Potsdam (UP) has firmly established itself in the scientific landscape and has become an outstanding economic factor and development engine for the region. It has a high level of third-party funding, has won several awards for teaching, and has a service-oriented administration and has received several awards for being family-friendly. Around 20,000 students and 3,000 employees work at three locations - Am Neuen Palais, Griebnitzsee and Golm - at one of the most beautifully situated academic institutions in Germany.

The Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Potsdam invites applications for a joint professorship under the Jülich Model with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) to be filled as soon as possible:

Full Professorship (W 3) Earth System Dynamics

We are looking for an outstanding scientist (physicist) in the field of physical Earth system science with an international record of accomplishments in original research, substantial scientific publication activities, success in the procurement of competitive funding, and proven leadership qualities.

The successful candidate is expected to design, conduct and lead innovative research that advances our understanding of Earth system dynamics. The focus of research is to be on the past, present and future dynamics of oceans, atmosphere and the cryosphere, with an emphasis on their interactions on the global scale, using advanced Earth system modelling. A successful candidate has made substantial scientific contributions in one or more of these areas and has demonstrated a strong interest in the processes shaping the overall Earth system. The candidate should have an interest in the development and application of coupled Earth system models to study feedbacks, non-linear interactions and tipping points in the Earth system.

We are looking for a candidate with excellent leadership qualities and a clear vision of how to contribute to the cross-cutting and interdisciplinary study of problems of planetary stewardship conducted at PIK, notably on managing the global commons and safeguarding the planetary boundaries.

The candidate is expected to contribute to undergraduate teaching in physics as well as to be substantially involved in the MSc courses Climate Physics and Climate, Earth, Water, Sustainability (CLEWS) at the University of Potsdam.

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Philipp Richter (philip.richter(at)uni-potsdam.de).

The joint appointment will be implemented according to the “Jülich Model” with a teaching obligation at the University of Potsdam in accordance with the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG).

The hiring process is subject to the requirements set forth in Section 43 subsection 1 sentence 1 no. 1 – 3 and no. 4 letters a and c of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG). The appointment procedure is conducted in accordance with Section 42 BbgHG.

The University of Potsdam and the PIK value diversity and thus pursue the goals of equal opportunities and diversity in accordance with the general principle of equal treatment. One of the UP’s and PIK’s strategic goals is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Therefore, the UP and the PIK expressly invite applications from qualified female scientists. People with a severe disability will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Periods of time taken for parental leave or caregiving are taken into account when assessing applicants’ academic careers. The implementation of equality and diversity standards in the respective field of work is expected.

We also offer dual career support and coaching for newly appointed professors. Please submit your application, with the relevant documentation, via email to

ausschreibungen(at)uni-potsdam.de by January 17, 2025. Further information is available online at


According to the Civil Servants Act of the State of Brandenburg (“Landesbeamtengesetz”), an inquiry must be made to the Domestic Intelligence Service prior to the final hiring and appointment as a civil servant in the State of Brandenburg can take place. Information on the lawfulness and the procedure is available here.