
PhD Student or Postdoc Researcher (m/f/d)

Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI), Berlin

The Max-Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI) conducts basic research in the field of nonlinear optics and ultrafast dynamics arising from the interaction of light with matter and pursues applications that emerge from this research. It develops and uses ultra-fast and ultra-intense lasers and laser-driven short-pulse light sources in a broad spectral range in combination with methods of nonlinear spectroscopy. With its research, MBI fulfills a national mission and is an integral part of the international scientific community.

MBI invites applications for

1 PhD student (m/f/d)


1 Postdoc researcher (m/f/d)

for the theoretical-numerical investigation of strong-field ionization of atoms in gaseous and solid state materials, electron dynamics during and immediately after photoionization, and the accompanying emission of the harmonic light.

Job profile:

In the framework of the recently funded DFG project, we plan a theoretical-numerical investigation of the strong-field photoionization process, electron dynamics during and immediately after the ionization, and the associated emission of the harmonic radiation. The project combines theoretical and experimental investigations which will be devoted to the simulation and experimental characterization of the harmonic emission and its phases, both in gaseous and solid-state material. The project entails synergy between the theory, which will be led by Dr. A. Husakou, and the experimental activities which will be led by Dr. P. Jürgens-Goltermann, joint dissemination of the results, and collaboration with other research groups.

The objectives of the theoretical part of the project include:

  • A theoretical investigation of gas phase high harmonics due to photoionization displacement and photoionization velocity based on the semiclassical description
  • A theoretical investigation of gas phase high harmonics due to photoionization displacement and PV based on the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, confirmation of analytical and semiclassical results, search for the fingerprints of photoionization displacement and photoionization velocity harmonics
  • Theoretical evaluation of the phase dependence on the relevant parameters in gases and solids including propagation effects, using forward Maxwell equations in conjunction with strong-field approximation or with time-dependent Schrödinger equation.
  • Comparison of the experimental and theoretical results
  • Assessment of the different levels of approximations made in the numerical models, refinement of the theoretical description
  • Evaluation of the efficiency of the ionization-related HHG mechanisms and comparison to other mechanisms in a wide parameter range


We are looking for highly motivated and talented applicants.

  • In case of PhD position: Master or diploma degree in physics, good knowledge of quantum mechanics, optics, and numerical methods. Experience in numerical solution of time-dependent Schrödinger equation is beneficial.
  • In case of Postdoc position: PhD degree in physics, good expertise is in the fields of strong-field optics, photoionization, quantum mechanics, and numerical methods. Experience in numerical solution of time-dependent Schrödinger equation is beneficial.


All positions are available immediately and initially limited to 3 years (PhD position) or 2 years (Postdoc Position). The payment will be according to the German TVöD Bund salary scheme for scientists in public research institutions (75% for PhD students, 100% for Postdoc position).

MBI is an equal-opportunity employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply.

If equally qualified, severely handicapped persons are given preference.

MBI supports the reconcilability of family and working life and is certified by the audit workandfamily (audit berufundfamilie) as a family-friendly employer.

Please upload your application, including cover letter (specifying which position you are interested in), curriculum vitae, certificates and description of previous professional activities electronically via the MBI online recruiting platform at https://mbi-berlin.de/career. Review of applications will begin on 01.01.2025 and continue until the position is filled.

For further information about the project, please contact Dr. Anton Husakou (gusakov(at)mbi-berlin.de).