
Working group lead (m/f/d) – 100 % in Smart Drying Technology

Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB), Potsdam

The Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy is a pioneer and a driver of bioeconomy research. We create the scientific foundation to transform agricultural, food, industrial and energy systems into a comprehensive bio-based circular economy. We develop and integrate techniques, processes and management strategies, effectively converging technologies to intelligently crosslink highly diverse bioeconomic production systems and to control them in a knowledge-based, adaptive and largely automated manner. We conduct research in dialogue with society — knowledge-motivated and application-inspired.

In our Department System Process Engineering, we are seeking for a

Working group lead (m/f/d) – 100 % in Smart Drying Technology

Drying is the most commonly used process to preserve organic products by removing water. These are usually very energy-intensive processes. For this reason, the dimension of a dryer, the air flow system and the control unit are often configured to ensure energy-efficient drying processes. In addition to the efficient removal of water, it is also crucial that as much as possible of the valuable ingredients are retained in the product during the drying process. The biological products to be dried are characterized by an inhomogeneous structure and uneven distribution of the valuable ingredients. In addition, the quantity of ingredients changes during drying depending on process time and temperature. In order to control the drying process of such complex substance new knowledge must be gained about the fundamental interactions between process and product or its components. The drying process needs to be supported by innovative sensors as part of a real time control systems. E.g., the Smart Dryer concept combines the time-depending demands by the products with thermodynamic aspects and real-time control strategies.

Therefore, we are seeking a highly motivated and forward-thinking Postdoctoral Researcher with innovative ideas and visions in Smart Drying Technology to join our dynamic and interdisciplinary team and bridge the gap between the worlds thermodynamic and product quality.

Your responsibilities

  • Independent and autonomus research in the field of drying processes in combination with non invasive quality measurement and monitoring systems
  • Planning, conducting and evaluating new techniques within the drying for process optimisation with combination of theoretical modelling and experimental analysis
  • Development of smart dryer systems for food, feed, agricultural feedstock, municipal residues and others
  • Establishment and management of an interdisciplinary research group
  • Publication of scientific results in internationally renowned journals and their presentation at national and international conferences
  • Conception and coordination of own scientific projects in basic and applied research
  • Acquisition of third-party funding projects
  • Participation in teaching tasks as well as development and independent implementation of teaching courses
  • Promotion of young scientists, in particular supervision of bachelor, master and doctoral theses
  • Establishing and maintaining of international scientific cooperation
  • Participation in relevant national and international committees
  • Active participation in scientific issues and strategic developments of ATB

Your Qualifications

  • PhD in agricultural related thermodynamic, chemical and process engineering, bioscience engineering, or related fields
  • Very good knowledge of postharvest processing techniques (such as drying technology) including the optimisation of the food processing value chain for various fresh products
  • Expertise in heat and mass balance, process design and optimisation, fluid mechanics
  • In-depth expertise in invasive and non-invasive quality measurement methods for fresh products
  • Proficiencies in computational process modelling and statistical data analysis
  • Excellent publication record and proven success in attracting third-party funding
  • Relevant scientific experience abroad
  • Experience in serving on committees is desired
  • Experience in leading project teams and in project management
  • Very good written and spoken English skills (business fluent); Geman skills are desired
  • Independent work ability, personal commitment, reliability, flexibility and the ability to work in a team and willingness to cooperate are required
  • EU driving license class B desirable

We offer

  • The opportunity to work in a particularly innovative area (smart drying in the field of product oriented drying processes)
  • Working in an interdisciplinary team in an attractive working environment
  • Access to national and international networks for your scientific advancement
  • Family-friendly working conditions that foster the compatibility of work and family life
  • Participation on the VBB company ticket
  • Company-owned electric bicycles for business trips
  • Our institute is located on the edge of a picturesque park-like landscape and is easy to reach by public transport or by bike

This full-time position (100 %) is initially limited for 5 years. An evaluation of the working group will take place at the end of the 4th year. The remuneration is dependent on your qualifications and professional experience up to pay group 14 TV-L. For further information, please contact Dr. Thomas Hoffmann (thoffmann(at)atb-potsdam.de) or Prof. Dr. Barbara Sturm (bsturm(at)atb-potsdam.de) and visit our website www.atb-potsdam.de.

If you would like to contribute your expertise to our interdisciplinary research, we look forward to receiving your application documents consisting of a CV without picture, three references track record and a concept for the establishment and medium-term development of your working group and its integration into the work of the ATB and the Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy. You are welcome to provide contact details of at least one recommender.

Please apply by the following deadline Feb 21, 2025 using ATB’s online application form for the job advertisement, code 2025-SY-DRYT-AGL-2, at https://www.atb-potsdam.de/en/career/vacancies. Applications received after the application deadline cannot be considered.

Interviews will be held on Friday, 07.03.2025.

Equality of opportunity is part of our personnel policy. Disabled applicants with adequate qualification will be preferentially considered.

By submitting an application, you agree that your job application documents will be stored for a period of six months, even in the case of an unsuccessful application. Further information on the processing, storage and protection of your personal data can be found at https://www.atb-potsdam.de/en/services/data-protection-declaration-for-the-application-process.