On these pages you will find a selection of research news from the Leibniz Institutes.
  1.  Brown horse in the corridor of a stable, boxes on the right and left

    Researchers identify human odorant receptor for horse stable odor
    08/04/2023 · Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich

    What do whisky, tobacco and horse manure have in common? The (perhaps) surprising answer: the smell. A research team has now deciphered how we perceive this scent.

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  2. Sewage plant seen from above

    Clean water with biotechnology
    08/03/2023 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    A newly discovered combination of fungi and bacteria removes nitrate from water particularly efficiently.

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  3. Opened notebook with drawn designs, on it a pencil

    Fewer patents, more quality
    07/26/2023 · Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE

    High-quality innovations are not tied to high funding of companies: Firms deliver better innovation despite lower financial resources.

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  4. Blue and red cell structures

    Tumor becomes muscle
    07/26/2023 · Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute

    A novel approach for soft tissue tumors opens new therapeutic options in cancer treatment.

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  5. Recording of stars

    The age of the lone stars
    07/24/2023 · Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam

    How old is a star? This question is particularly tricky when stars are located outside star clusters. A new method uses fluctuations in brightness caused by rotation.

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  6. A girl jumps into the lake

    What's that in the lake?
    07/20/2023 · Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries

    Off to the lake for a swim. But what swims, grows and crawls in water? Expert knowledge for outdoor fun at the lake.

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  7. Woman with laptop and mobile phone, sitting at the window of her flat

    "Employees really value the option to work from home"
    07/19/2023 · Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich

    Employees in Germany work from home one day a week on average. This puts them in the middle of the European field.

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  8. Burning Forrest

    Play with the fire
    07/17/2023 · Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung

    Fires in tropical rainforests can lead to an irreversible ecosystem tipping point, according to a new study.

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  9. Satellite view: Canadian smoke reaches Europe

    Smoke cloud over Europe
    06/30/2023 · Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research

    Smoke from Canadian wildfires has been hanging over Germany for weeks, affecting the atmosphere and the climate. The proof was made possible by a new laser technique.

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  10. Artist's impression of a white dwarf pulsar.

    A cosmic love affair
    06/21/2023 · Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam

    The discovery of a rare type of star system in two independent studies provides new insights into the dynamo model’s predictions for stellar evolution.

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  11. Asian tiger mosquito

    A fire brigade against mosquitoes
    06/02/2023 · Senckenberg Society for Nature Research - Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research

    A team of scientists shows how the further spread of dangerous mosquito species can be prevented in a targeted and environmentally friendly way.

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  12.  Juvenile golden snubnosed monkey

    Planet of the apes
    06/02/2023 · German Primate Center - Leibniz Institute for Primate Research

    Researchers have analyzed the genomes of 809 individuals from 233 primate species, providing new insights into the evolution of primates, including humans, and their diversity.

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  13. Hands resting on the belly.

    Biobased microgels with therapeutic function
    06/01/2023 · Leibniz-Institute for Interactive Materials

    Scientists have developed biodegradable microgels loaded with antibiotics. The microgels function like small transport containers.

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  14. [Translate to english:] Windgepeitschter Baum auf Wiese

    Building back better: Resilience means more than bouncing back
    06/01/2023 · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    Adapting to global shocks, transforming and creating new ways of functioning as a society: This is how reshaping a resilient future in the aftermath of a shock should look like.

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  15. Flower meadow in front of a hilly background.

    Large-scale nature conservation efforts alone are not enough
    05/30/2023 · Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

    The enlargement of protected areas alone will not stop biodiversity decline, if it is not accompanied by measures that also target managed landscapes.

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  16. Different colored pills

    Pharmaceuticals in fast motion
    05/26/2023 · Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V.

    For shorter approval times: A new process simulates the decomposition of drugs that have been stored for too long in 15 minutes.

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  17. Young woman in front of a clothes rack

    Platform for a sustainable textile industry
    05/25/2023 · DWI - Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials

    Clothing, shoes, furniture - the consumption of textiles is continuously increasing in the EU. In a new project, researchers are working to overcome the obstacles to a sustainable and environmentally friendly textile industry.

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  18. Brain organoid of a rhesus macaque.

    Brain research with organoids
    05/23/2023 · German Primate Center – Leibniz Institute for Primate Research

    Scientists developed an effective method to genetically modify brain organoids.

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  19. Woman's hand holding cola cup

    Human Immune Cells React to Non-Nutritive Sweeteners
    05/23/2023 · Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich

    Diet drinks often contain a mix of sweeteners that also enter the bloodstream after consumption. A new pilot study shows evidence that they could also influence the human immune system.

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  20. Gekkos stacked on top of each other

    Wildlife trade threatens biodiversity
    05/23/2023 · Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change

    Conservation experts warn of current dangers posed by the legal wildlife trade.

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