As the largest German infrastructure institute for the social sciences, GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, with its expertise and services, stands ready to advise researchers at all levels to answer socially relevant questions on the basis of the newest scientific methods, high quality data and research information. GESIS do this with essential research-based services and consulting, covering all levels of the scientific processes. The work of GESIS is characterized by its independence, long-term sustainability, quality and competence.
Research projects generally go through a process of multiple phases – the research data cycle. Each individual phase of this cycle requires specific know-how to obtain significant results. GESIS offers researchers a unique package of social science services for the various phases of the research data cycle based on own research and expertise to make work more efficient for empirical social researchers and improving the quality of research:
Planning studies and collecting data: GESIS experts advise on the collection of survey data and digital behavioral data. In the process, researchers are supported in the development of an adequate project design and the quality assurance of the implementation.
Finding and accessing data: GESIS enables researchers to find suitable data for secondary analysis. For this purpose, over 6500 national and international studies are available in the GESIS data archive.
Processing and analyzing data: GESIS supports the modification, linking and analysis of data.
Archiving and sharing: GESIS promotes scientific transparency in the sense of the FAIR principles: F(indable) A(ccessible) I(nteroperable) and R(e-usable). At GESIS, researchers find repositories and services to archive, register and share their data and publications in the long term.
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Quadrat B6 4-5 68159 Mannheim
T +49 621 12 46 - 0
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
50667 Köln
T +49 221 47694 - 0