The Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS) studies the interrelationships between spatial and social development from a social science perspective. Special attention is paid to transformation processes in cities, villages and regions as well as their governance. The research is guided by the goals of understanding and explaining the space-shaping processes of a globally networked and locally anchored economy, society and politics, identifying local and regional development opportunities and supporting innovative problem solutions through dialogical knowledge transfer. In three research areas, the IRS addresses socio-spatial transformations from the perspective of Economy and Civil Society, Politics and Planning, as well as Contemporary History and Archives. With its Scientific Collections on the Building and Planning History of the GDR, the IRS operates an internationally recognised research infrastructure.
Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung
Flakenstraße 29-31
15537 Erkner / Berlin
T +49 33 627 93 - 0

Prof. Oliver Ibert

Head of Administration:
Jessica Heckel

Dr Felix Müller