DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education aims to make a decisive contribution to overcoming central challenges in education and plays a key role in researching them. Our goal is to promote quality, responsible, equitable and internationally linked education. In providing educational research, digital infrastructure and targeted knowledge transfer, we support science, universities, schools, day-care centres, administration and politics.
DIPF conducts ambitious, internationally anchored and interdisciplinary research in pursuing a research approach that is both basic and application-orientated. Our work addresses, for example, educational conditions, educational trajectories, education in the digital world and Open Science as well as transfer and transfer research. Our comprehensive and openly available online services provide access to reliable information for all interested parties.
Our institute is a foundation under public law. Around 330 employees in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin create, communicate and document knowledge for education. In order to implement our work even more effectively, we network nationally and internationally in research alliances and through further co-operations. Examples of what we do are the research centres “IDeA | Individual Development and Adaptive Education of Children at Risk“ and “TBA | Technology Based Assessment @DIPF“, the coordination of the research alliance “School makes you strong” and the national report “Education in Germany” and education portals as the German Education Server, the Education Research Portal, the Research Data Centre for Education and bildungsgeschichte.de, the online platform for educational history.
DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation Rostocker Straße 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 69 / 247 08 - 0 dipf@dipf.de
BBF | Research Library for the History of Education at DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education Warschauer Straße 34 – 38 10243 Berlin
T +49 30 20 33 60- 27 archiv@dipf.de