German Diabetes Center - Leibniz Institute for Diabetes Research at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (DDZ)
The mission of the DDZ is to contribute to reducing the individual and societal burden of diabetes mellitus by interdisciplinary research. To achieve this target the DDZ cross-links molecular and cell biological basic research with clinical and epidemiological research approaches. The DDZ’s scientific contributions aim at improving the prevention, early detection, diagnosis, and therapy of diabetes mellitus and its sequelae while advancing epidemiological data on diabetes in Germany. The DDZ understands itself as the German reference center for diabetes. In this capacity, the DDZ provides free scientific information on diabetes mellitus to all players in the health care system and the public.
The DDZ is an interdisciplinary research center and currently consists of three institutes, two Paul Langerhans groups and the National Diabetes Information Center unit. The research groups of the institutes and units run four DDZ research programs in an interdisciplinary and coordinated fashion. The DDZ is further a member in the German Health Research Centers focusing on diabetes research (DZD e. V.).
Overview of the research units of the DDZ
Institute for Clinical Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry
Research Group Pathobiochemistry
Junior Research Group Signal Transduction
Proteome Analysis unit
Cell Morphology unit
Institute for Clinical Diabetology
Research Group Energy Metabolism
Research Group Inflammation
Research Group Immunomodulation
Research Group Neuropathy
Research Group Nutrition
Junior Research Group Metabolic Imaging
Clinical Research Center unit
Institute for Biometry and Epidemiology
Research Group Epidemiology
Research Group Biometrics
Research Group Health Services Research and Health Economics
Paul Langerhans Groups
for Beta Cell Biology
for Integrative Physiology
National Diabetes Information Center
Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum - Leibniz-Zentrum für Diabetes-Forschung an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Auf´m Hennekamp 65
40225 Düsseldorf
T +49 211 / 33 82 - 0