The IFW’s research program is strongly interconnecting the five IFW institutes. It is focussed on functional and nanoscale materials which are governed by phenomena of quantum mechanics. The junction of the three research areas Quantum matter – Nanoscale materials – Functional materials is the unique feature of the IFW Dresden. In bulk materials this comprises mainly unconventional superconductivity and quantum magnetism. In thin films, nanoparticles and nanocrystalline composites, interfaces and surfaces quantum effects are caused by the constrained geometry of nanoscale systems.
All these materials hold a key position in many fields of application: superconducting and magnetic materials for more energy efficiency and raw material efficiency, thin film systems, rolled-up nanomembranes for new devices and technologies, carbon nanostructures and amorphous materials for biomedical applications.
Further missions of the Institute are the promotion of young scientists and the training of technical staff as well as supplying industrial companies with the Institute's R&D know-how and experience.