PRIF - Peace Research Institute Frankfurt was founded by the Hessian Federal Government in 1970 as an independent foundation under public law. Its constitution guarantees full academic freedom. PRIF is one of the largest institutes for peace and conflict research in Germany, and is located in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin. PRIF sets out to analyze the causes of violent international and internal conflicts, carrying out research into the conditions necessary for peace, and working to spread the concept of peace. PRIF combines basic research with knowledge transfer into policy-making, media and society. It develops options of action and provides background information and analyses for ministries, parties, NGOs and companies. Furthermore, PRIF provides experts for interviews, information and discussion events.
PRIF - Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
Baseler Straße 27-31
60329 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 69 9591 040

Executive Director:
Prof. Nicole Deitelhoff

Director of Administration:
Susanne Boetsch

Dr Stefan Kroll