Cultural change through diversity
Diversity in the sense of diverse, interdisciplinary research questions and approaches is a central and particular characteristic of the Leibniz Association. In order to maintain and expand this disciplinary breadth, the association needs to value and encourage the active involvement of researchers with different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. The promotion of diversity has therefore been enshrined as an overarching aim in the Leibniz Association’s Statutes since 2015.
The Leibniz-wide Diversity Network, which was initiated in 2018, raises awareness about the issue in the Leibniz institutes and shares ideas at regular networking meetings. The network is part of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Working Group. It consists of diversity and equality officers, HR officers and representatives of various interest groups. It discusses diversity topics of relevance to the Leibniz institutes to prevent discrimination and to create a favourable working environment for creativity and innovation. In doing so, it creates a platform for a lively exchange of ideas and collaboration to generate courses of action to break down barriers. The diversity spokesperson and her deputy are members of the spokeswomen’s council of the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Working Group.
The Network for Inclusion and Participation in the Leibniz Association teaches the skills and knowledge required for the work of elected representatives (representatives for employees with severe disabilities, works and staff council members), inclusion officers appointed by the employer, and all other individuals who advocate for the inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in the Leibniz Association. Furthermore, the network, which meets twice a year, promotes the exchange of experience and ideas, and communication with its members concerning sustainable inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in the Leibniz Association. It advocates for greater transparency regarding the situation of employees with severe disabilities, advises on compliance with legal requirements (the Federal Participation Act and the General Act on Equal Treatment) and regularly shares ideas on measures to ensure the successful professional inclusion of people with severe disabilities. Furthermore, the network advises all Leibniz institutes on the participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in the Leibniz Association.