The Leibniz Association’s international presence
Leibniz Institutes, Leibniz Research Alliances and Leibniz ScienceCampi collaborate internationally with partners in over 140 countries. In addition, the Leibniz Association has partner locations and permanent research stations abroad.
Capacity building and science diplomacy
Leibniz Institutes engage in capacity-building and science diplomacy through international collaborations with researchers within and from so-called emerging and developing countries.
Key regions
The Leibniz Association has priority regions, in which large numbers of Leibniz Institutes pool their work in cooperative and complementary ways.
International cooperation and career opportunities
The Leibniz Association is actively engaged in attracting the best scientists worldwide to conduct research at, and collaborate with, Leibniz Institutes.
Leibniz Chairs
Leibniz Chairs reflect a particularly close connection between an international researcher and a Leibniz institution.