Excellence and sustainability in research are safeguarded through professional and methodological standards, through procedures for ethical reflection, and through transparency and integrity in leadership and collaboration between colleagues. Since it was founded in 1995, the Leibniz Association has engaged deeply with the associated challenges, agreed on central rules of conduct and now groups the relevant topic areas strategically within the Leibniz Integrity unit. It develops standards and procedures to safeguard good scientific practice, coordinates and supports the work of ombudspersons and offers procedures for dealing with questions relating to the safety and ethics of research.
  1. Guiding Principles for our Actions

    Since 2019, the Guiding Principles for our Actions in the Leibniz Association have provided an association-wide code of conduct for the Leibniz Association.

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  2. Leibniz Integrity Advisory Board

    The Leibniz Integrity Advisory Board has been assisting and supporting the Leibniz Association in integrity-related matters since 2020.

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  3. Good scientific practice and ombuds services

    The Leibniz Association committed itself to the Leibniz Code for Good Research Practice in 2021 and sets out additional standards of good scientific practice, definitions of misconduct and the role of the association’s Ombuds Committee in its Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice, last updated in 2019.

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  4. Research ethics

    In view of the tensions that can exist between the opportunities presented by scientific freedom and the risks of research results being misused, research always needs an ethically responsible balancing of interests. In this area, the Leibniz Association is guided by the Rules of Procedure for Research Ethics, which were revised in 2022.

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  5. Animal experiments

    Several Leibniz Institutes, especially those in the field of life sciences, rely on animal experiments for their work. The scientists take their responsibility for the welfare of the animals entrusted to them very seriously. The Leibniz Association appointed an Executive Board Representative for Animal Protection Matters in 2014.

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  6. Guide for dealing with conflict and Advice Centre

    The Leibniz Association has sophisticated responsiveness structures for dealing with issues of integrity and has established an external Advice Centre for conflict situations.

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Dr Johannes Bronisch
Head of Division Integrity, Committees and GWK
Leibniz Association
Chausseestraße 111
10115 Berlin
T +49 30 206049 540