The research infrastructures described here encompass a broad spectrum of disciplines. They range from high security laboratories studying dangerous pathogens, via observatories and astrophysical telescopes, to measuring stations for atmospheric research and screening units that are indispensable for research into active substances. Amongst them are, for instance, biological research stations in the tropics which provide access to regional resources and sustainable research on biodiversity, as well as behavioural research on primates in their natural habitat.
The thematic breadth of the research questions which can be addressed with the help of the large-scale equipment and research platforms of the Leibniz Association reflects its strategic importance as a resource for science worldwide. Scientists from all over the world can use these devices and facilities in order to evaluate their questions, test samples, verify research findings and pioneer new paths for research. This is why they form another pillar of the socially relevant inter- and transdisciplinary research for the Leibniz Association and beyond.