Leibniz Labs Network for inter- und transdisciplinary excellence
The network project is conducting a structured reflection process on the design and implementation of Leibniz Labs. This includes the organizational and governance structures as well as the specific research and knowledge transfer activities. The project promotes the development and effectiveness of Leibniz Labs and supports learning from the ongoing implementation. In this way, future approaches, formats and appropriate frameworks for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research can be identified.
The specific aims of the project are to establish a network of Leibniz Labs and to develop a toolbox for knowledge integration, co-production and transfer. It will also formulate recommendations for excellent inter- and transdisciplinary collaborative projects addressing complex socio-ecological and socio-technical issues. All activities will be organized and carried out in close cooperation with the current Leibniz Labs and the Leibniz Association Headquarters. The network project draws on the expertise of 10 Leibniz institutes.