Open Science
Advances in digitalisation have made open science more important in terms of research practice and science policy at national, European and international levels. The Leibniz Association and its member institutes support this development and play a part in shaping it – particularly at the moment in the areas of open access, open and FAIR data and citizen science.
The Leibniz Strategy Forum on Open Science supports the Leibniz Association in its strategic developments. As a central point of contact it bundles the open science activities across all Sections, promoting their visibility at national and international levels.
Beyond the Leibniz Association, its members are also involved in the Alliance of Science Organizations' focus area "Digitality in Science". In the years 2023-2028, the focus will be on the effects of digitality on the institutional, legal and technical framework conditions of scientific practice. The guiding principles for all activities of the priority area are the open accessibility of processes and research results and the guarantee of sovereignty over digital tools, data and infrastructures.
Open Access
The Leibniz Association supports open, online, barrier-free access to quality-assured research findings.
Open and FAIR Data
The Leibniz Association supports free, public access to research data in line with the FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable).