Vortrag · Hybrid

03.07.2024 · 14:00
LIfBiLectures: From multiple documents in online learning to multimodal documents in virtual reality


Prof. Alexander Mehler from Goethe University Frankfurt is going to give a lecture as part of the LIfBiLecture Series.

Prof. Mehler is professor of Computational Humanities / Text Technology. He heads the Text Technology Lab (TTLab) at Goethe University Frankfurt. His research interests include the quantitative analysis, simulative synthesis and formal modeling of textual units in spoken and written communication. To this end, he investigates linguistic networks based on contemporary and historical languages (using models of language evolution). A current research interest of Alexander Mehler concerns 4D text technologies based on Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Augmented Virtuality (AV).

For up-to-date information please visit www.lifbi.de/lifbilectures



Room 01.04
Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories
Wilhelmsplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
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