Vortrag · Hybrid

04.06.2024 · 14:00
LIfBiLectures: "How and why does the mode of data collection affect consent to data linkage?"


Professor Annette Jäckle from the University of Essex is going to give a lecture as part of the LIfBiLecture Series.

Previous studies have found that consent rates in online surveys are around 30 percentage points lower than those in face-to-face interviews. To date not much is known about why survey mode affects consent and what can be done to encourage informed consent without an interviewer.

This lecture reports on experiments with consent to link government tax records, conducted on the Innovation Panel (IP) of the UK Household Longitudinal Study. The IP is a probability sample of households in Great Britain, where all household members aged 16+ are interviewed annually.

For up-to-date information please visit www.lifbi.de/lifbilectures.



Room 01.04
Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories
Wilhelmsplatz 3
96047 Bamberg
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